BOTA BORRELIA – Ytterligare dumstrut för Mats Reimer?

ANFANGDen senaste tiden så verkar borrelia cirkulera överallt i alla sorters tidningar. Jag hittar varje dag nya braskande rubriker med patienthistorier och en och annan artikel som faktiskt försöker att bringa fakta i ljuset. Det blir dock särskilt ironiskt, som i fallet nedan, när fakta i tidningen motsägs av deras mest rabiate bloggare.

”Bett ger flera infektioner samtidigt” (Dagens Medicin)

Mats Reimer är tydligen inte ensam om att aktivt motarbeta, att verkliga fakta från riktiga specialister kommer till allmän kännedom – till fördel för gamla fördomar där få läkare verkligen FÖRSTÅR hur antibiotikaresistens fungerar – eller de facto motarbetas i verkligheten av de mycket kunniga läkare som absolut INTE ”lättvindigt” behandlar mot otillräckligt behandlad Borrelia + co-infektioner.

”Läkarna skeptiska till lång antibiotikakur” (Bärgslagsbladet)

Det roar dock mitt ironiska sinne att en stad som fostrat en så odiskutabelt intelligent kille som Filip Hammar (och mig själv, inte att förglömma) går i bräschen för sådant bigotteri.

”Anette tvingades till Tyskland för att bota sin borrelia” (Bärgslagsbladet)

corruption and IDSA

Två saker har kommit till min kännedom som står ut som fyrbåkar i natten:

”Adhd-dagen 2013: Epidemi, modefluga, normala eller sjuka barn?” (Dagens Medicin)

”Minst ett barn i varje klass har i dag diagnosen adhd. Även antalet vuxna med adhd har ökat lavinartat de senaste åren. Men trots att detta nu är en av våra vanligaste folksjukdomar är kunskapen om behandling fortfarande låg, såväl i sjukvården som i samhället i övrigt.

Nu är både Socialstyrelsen och SBU på väg med nya kunskapsdokument som ska ge vägledning för diagnostik, behandling och vårdens organisation för patienter med adhd.”

DETTA ÄR MATS REIMERS SKÖTEBARN och han rekommenderar starka narkotiska preparat till våra barn. 

Nu är det ju så att utländska studier antyder/visar att många fall av ADHD visar sig vara obehandlad borrelia och just i många barns fall så kan det var congenital, alltså medfödd borrelia (smittad från modern) där man alltså (liksom min son) når fullt tillfrisknande med behandling och slipper ett liv av begränsningar och fördomar.


Idag blev jag varse en artikel (av många om detta visade det sig vid närmare efterforskning) som fick mig minst sagt att lyfta på ögonbrynen:

”Prominent psychiatrist admits he helped invent ADHD as a disease”

”Recently, a founding father of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), announced a few months before his death that … ”ADHD is a prime example of a fictitious disease.” 

After turning 87 years old, American psychiatrist Dr. Leon Eisenberg made this statement to the German weekly ”Der Spiegel” on 2 February 2012. Seven months later, he died. Apparently, he had decided to come clean and confess before moving to the beyond.”(—-)

”Yet, there is no biological proof or test to determine exactly what chemicals are ”out of balance” in the brain for ADHD or any other disorder. Most psychiatric drugs are unnecessary at least. And they have often caused suicide and homicide.” LÄS MER I DEN UPPRÖRANDE ARTIKELN

snake with lyme

Här en tanke för alla er som inte är förtjusta i ormar:

”When a snake catches a field mouse infected with Lyme, it gobbles up everything: the messenger (the tick), the message-sender (the mouse), and the message itself (the bacteria).”

Stå på er innan läkarna står på er!!



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5 kommentarer till BOTA BORRELIA – Ytterligare dumstrut för Mats Reimer?

  1. Anonym skriver:

    Jag är ny här, detta är mitt tredje besök på bloggen. Det enda namn jag hela tiden läser är Mats Reimer och förstod snabbt att han är motståndare. Men vilka är med, inte mot? Vilka positivt inställda läkare finns som har förstått hur infektionen gömmer sig och verkar för en förändring av diagnos och behandling i Sverige?


    • HEMIMAMMA skriver:

      Hej anonym.

      Det finns ett flertal läkare i Sverige, vars namn, av olika skäl inte nämnas här som både står på vår sida och i hemlighet eller ”under radarn” behandlar flertalet patienter på olika platser i vårt land. Inom vårt ”samhälle” så kallar vi dem alla ”Dr X” och namnger dem bara i privata samtal under strikt sekretess.

      De flesta har oftast en sak gemensamt; de har varit/är själva sjuka och har därmed direkt insyn i problematiken.

      Det vi alla bygger våra teorier/behandlingsprogram på – kommer från en organisation som heter ILADS som är en läkar/patient/anhörig-organisation med bas i USA där man samlat modern och annan forskning än den ”gamla beprövade” som IDSA står för och tvingar tex Socialstyrelsen att efterleva.

      Fråga gärna mer men sök på ILADS så får du många svar kring både det som händer i Tyskland/Norge och även här.


  2. kristina skriver:

    let me tell that not using IV in Sweden is completely cost effective problem. With IV treatment it is shorter in time for many infection cases, it’s more effective, and gastro system does not suffer a much as on tablets. However, it’s highly costly. To reduce cost, it was studied that being on tablets in some cases lead to same effect. Even then, in a complicated infection first is used IV and only after patient is free from symptoms, he/she is taken on tablets. And patients who suffer/sensitive with stomach on tablets, are back on IV. Well, being on IV is very highly costly. And it needs medical attention and help at hospitals, follow up, lab works for blood etc. All this talk about ”multi resistance” and ”in case you need operation ” are week argumentation in case when you get a complicated infection that must be treated. And it must be treated with a right combination of antibiotic. The important is that patient gets right concentration of antibiotic in his/her blood in order for a body to resist growth and multiplication of bacteria further. Important that patient gets it in time and diseases does not progress to chronic stage and provoke skeletons problems and risk for auto-immune diseases / auto-immune response of a body itself. Where to take money from? Well, you cannot make a system and cover with budget, let private consultancy to exist. let people pay for it if they can. Sweden has control on medicament and medical advise today on people. You are totaly dependent. In pharmacies you cannot buy even anti-fungual liquids in case you need. You have to have a prescription. Pharmacies are monopolized in products. They sell same and same, an no variety comparing other countries. Do you like to live your life under such control and be out of rights in case you really need help ? Another problem is that Sweden is country where no epidermises happen (I would say today there is epidemic of borrelia, as thousand of people suffer in ignorance!). It’st wealthy country with a terrible medical system that has no follow up on patients, no responsibility of doctors who treats or consult patients, no punishment. Do doctors remember clinical symptoms of such infections as bartonella (this is not new infection, excuse me!). Why in the country full of forests doctors are not alarmed to borrelia? Where all the knowledge disappeared that have been collected in many years of clinical studies? Why with appearance of analytically methods and technology, labs are making diagnoses, and doctors reading it from a lab papers without considering clinical symptoms of a patient? Without questioning? Why nurses with 3 years of education are entailed to make decision fo a patient to meet a doctor or not? Why it happened that medical specialist within infection does not recognize anymore diseases by clinical symptoms? Why they don’t follow the whole picture? because the system works so. Today you meet one doctor, tomorrow another. it’s a puzzle and there is no responsible who would collect all small parts together. In my case i am doing that myself for my doctors. Collecting all information on paper. Why should I do that if there is computer system that supposed to work? System plays with people life. Well, we are many. World is full of people right! So, one more one less, what is a problem. The focus of medical system in Sweden does not lay on people health. Have you wondered why good doctors ofetn change from one central to another and go away and start private?! The problem is within people themselves. People don’t react. Don’t reflect. It’s individualism. Till it happens personally, there is no reaction on situation. People accept. Living in a box with set of rules around. Thanks God I am curious and extreamly stubborn. Even being very sick I haven’t stopped fighting for myself and was contentiously looking for help. Please don’t believe everything you hear from doctors in Sweden. This is my personal recommendation. I my case, (and it’s not the only case!) I was with fault diagnose, neglected by medical authorities, and left being home with terrible progressive infection in my body, because of a doctor mistake at stat giving me wrong antibiotic even without taking sampling. I became very sick, chronically sick. being very healthy and strong, my system start to collapse within month. Who is going to be responsible for it? I am young woman in reproductive age who wants to have children. And there is a risk now for my child in case of pregnancy to be infected in case chronic infection re-activate itself when immune-system be reduced due to pregnancy. Shall I accept that is no one is responsible for consequences?! If i make mistake at my work – and I work as engineer – i am responsible. I pay it out of my salary or maybe even could be fired. I am only producing a material. Here we talk about people lifes. People who have families, children, who want to be healthy to have children. Why some medical system has right to destroy future of these people? those who decide as same people as we are. They have same values for life. So why they have right to decide that people who are in need for medical help can suffer because of their ignorance and incapability. If you became a doctor be a good one, or don’t choose to be one. If you deciding for society the rules think for interest of people and not for interest of money. because one day you will get under same mill you have created and it will crush you too!

    penecilin was exactly what I got for two weeks treatment of one doctor who believed i have ”flus”. I had high CRP as 60 and the doctor haven’t done any sampling. Doctor i met haven’t got her specialization yet, somehow haven’t taken any sampling av bacteria before giving me recipe. I never took antibiotics before in my life, and knew so little about it. i have enormous paint in my throat during first two days (now i know it was herx reaction) but antibiotics haven’t help me. Though have complicated my blood picture, reduced acute status CRP went down but i was not treated properly and became chronically sick with borrelia and multiple-co infections.


  3. Anders skriver:

    Nu kan alla som tar borrelia på allvar välja SVT eller VoF eller båda till Årets Förvillare 2013 för att de förvillar om borrelia och för att de förkastar borreliaskadades situation.


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